Got unexplained symptoms and tired of medical gaslighting? Uncover what's holding you back from wellness, fix it, and get back to life.


Are you struggling with...

  • migraines
  • fatigue
  • weight gain
  • infertility (no periods, irregular periods, or PCOS)
  • chronic UTI symptoms (perhaps even dealing with a diagnosis of interstitial cystitis)?

And you're tired of:

  • being dismissed by your doctors
  • undergoing treatments that aren't yielding results
  • feeling frustrated and helpless

It's time to break the cycle and reclaim your health

Brandy Searcy founder Better than Fine sitting outside in a sweater

Hi, I'm Brandy Searcy, a pharmaceutical research scientist and health coach.

For years, I was really sick and had to beg for tests to be done until finally someone listened. That someone was me,… I finally heard the voice inside me speak very clearly, if I wanted out of this, I had to do it for myself.

Once I decided to step fully into my power as the owner of my health, something nothing short of a miracle happened. The one missing piece I’d been searching for revealed itself.

That missing piece? Three unlikely hormones.

Because I’m like dog with a bone when it comes to research, I dove deep to figure out how these three seemingly unrelated hormones were bound to each other. And, that’s how I found a simple way back to wellness.

  • I broke free of UTI symptoms
  • Escaped chronic fatigue
  • Reduced the frequency of my migraines
  • I dropped weight and fit into my clothes again
  • Mood swings went bye bye

My relief was so profound I made it my mission to help other women get to the bottom of their health issues and reclaim their lives.


I have had more energy, fewer sugar cravings, cramps that are much more manageable and tolerable, and absolutely zero UTIs. I feel like my body is my own again. Brandy knows her stuff and I'm overjoyed to have her as a resource!


I love how deeply educational Brandy’s programs are, while also being easy to understand & integrate.


hormone assessment quiz Better than Fine

How balanced are your hormones?

Take this free quiz to find out!

In this quiz, you'll discover the connection between many common symptoms and what this reveals about hormone balance.

Get your quiz here

14 days to complete UTI Freedom

When I was dealing with many symptoms all at once (migraine, fatigue, weight gain, etc.), one symptom was constantly on my mind. The need to pee.

UTIs are miserable! And, women are way more likely than men to fall into the vicious cycle of chronic UTI symptoms (with or without a positive standard urine culture). When docs started throwing their hands up in surrender, I dug deep and figured out how to break free.

Then, I started helping other women do the same thing. So, if you're tired of dealing with chronic UTI symptoms, this is your ticket out.

woman standing in yoga pose on rock facing sunrise
woman standing in yoga pose on rock facing sunrise

14 days to complete UTI Freedom

When I was dealing with many symptoms all at once (migraine, fatigue, weight gain, etc.), one symptom was constantly on my mind. The need to pee.

UTIs are miserable! And, women are way more likely than men to fall into the vicious cycle of chronic UTI symptoms (with or without a positive standard urine culture). When docs started throwing their hands up in surrender, I dug deep and figured out how to break free.

Then, I started helping other women do the same thing. So, if you're tired of dealing with chronic UTI symptoms, this is your ticket out.

woman silhoutted in sunlight doing yoga on the beach in the sand at sunrise

Connect with me

Need a quick fix?

Book your breakthrough call with me today. In this session, you'll get clear about:

  • what's really causing your symptoms
  • steps you're able to take right now to start experiencing less frequent/severe symptoms
  • how to continue supporting hormone balance to feel your best

Disclaimer: Better than Fine (operated by Rain Organica LLC) and the programs provided by Better than Fine are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease and is not intended as a replacement or substitute for medical treatment or advice by a licensed healthcare professional.

The information and opinions expressed on this website, including blog posts, recordings, videos, programs, books, and other site pages are intended for informational purposes only.